Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pocket SOP Books Now Available

The primary objective of the Publishing Ministry is to share God to the world through the written word.

So far, we have been able to produce our local quarterly Sabbath School lesson, the morning devotional, and several batches of flyers and tracts.

We have also been able to give away numerous Bibles and SOP Books.

In the past year, we have been eyeing a set of pocket SOP Books that comes with a free History of Redemption Study Chart/Timeline, and praying that God will open a way for us to acquire these books.

Finally, in mid-2009, God did open the way. With the help of friends, brothers, and sisters in the faith, we were able to acquire 120 sets of these books.

The set is composed eight books that include Prophets and Kings, Patriarchs and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy, Christian Service and Counsels on Stewardship (in one book), Counsels for the Church, and Ministry of Healing and Steps to Christ (in one book).

They come in a beautiful and convenient bookcase and box that makes the set perfect for gifting.

Some of these books have already been given away to different individuals who have expressed sincere desire to learn more about God.

More of the books will be made available through brethren who are interested in literature evangelism.

We continue to pray that God will open the way for more Adventist books to be made available in the near future.

For information on how to obtain copies of these books, please email us at royalvalleysda@gmail.com

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