Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just Keep Holding on to Him

Earlier in this blog, we told you about a group of young people from Tagum City who attended our Summer Camp Meeting last April and how they composed [in about two days] an original song especially for that camp meeting's theme.

Most of you may have been curious about how that song turned out, so we are sharing a recording here. This video was taken during their visit to the radio station right after the Vacation Bible School.

God bless you, everyone! :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Summer Tract Distribution

One of the bigger ministries we have at church is the Publishing Ministry. We print a total of 20,000 flyers each year and make it a point to involve as many of the brethren as possible in the work of distributing them.

Publications must be multiplied, and scattered like the leaves of autumn. These silent messengers are enlightening and molding the minds of thousands in every country and in every clime.--Review and Herald, Nov. 21, 1878. 

For several years now, we've been printing and reprinting flyers on the Sabbath (Why Don't You Ask God About the Sabbath?) and on Health (GODSPLAN) both in English and in the vernacular. Other churches and ministries have also used these same flyers for their tract distribution activities. A ministry in Northern Luzon, for example, had 10,000 of these flyers printed and sent to them for use in their medical missions. It is our delight to be able to connect with other ministries in this way.

Just this morning, more than 30 brethren came out to walk the streets of a subdivision in Bangkal to distribute the flyers. Young and old cheerfully participated in the activity..

Our little trouper straining to get the flyers into the mailboxes. :)

Our "folding crew" who stayed in the jeep to fold the flyers to be supplied 
to those who distributed them.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

two months worth of updates

yes, it really has been two months since the last update on this blog and we owe you so much news.

since the last time we posted on this blog, we have been really busy preparing for camp meeting, holding that camp meeting, preparing for Vacation Bible School, and holding that one too.

for camp meeting, the theme was Hold On! Prepare, Prepare! Get Ready, Get Ready! and it was perhaps the most successful camp meeting to date. the attendance was double that of the previous camp meeting and the enthusiasm was overwhelming. the camp meeting was held at th campsite in Aracan and was attended delegates from several churches, among the most enthusiastic of whom were the youth of the newly-formed home division in Tagum City. they even composed a song based on the theme of the camp meeting! the pillars of faith were tackled and reviewed, health studies opened to the understanding of youth and adults alike. everyone was truly blessed as never before.

two weeks after the camp meeting, we held our vacation bible school in Talomo, Davao City. we had invited the youth from Tagum and other churches to be part of the activity. we had a total of 25 staff members (more than ninety per cent of which are youth), not counting the loving brethren and sisters who volunteered to prepare the staff meals. the theme for the activity was Happy with Jesus and aimed to present faith and obedience to be the keys to happiness. at the end of the weeklong activity, we had a total of 147 names registered. the parents came to the closing ceremony on Sabbath and were truly happy to see their children so eager to learn about Jesus.

this Sunday, we are going to hold a Tract Distribution activity for the youth and adults of the Royal Valley Free SDA Church. we continue to pray that God will bring the same success and blessing to this activity as He has so wonderfully done for our camp meeting and vacation bile school.